Monday, April 18, 2022

KD gets kicked

I was up with the pups taking for a pee and then feeding H and making a pot of coffee. Play time ensued for the next hour plus. S and S got up to join me for a coffee after 9:30. Kaylin was up not long after. We visited as I made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast with Nathan joining us. Shaina tried working at the island but had to retreat to her room for a bit. We had planned to go quadding but after going outside S found the wind and cold a big deterrent so it was once gain cancelled.

watch these 3 videos of our gentle giant playing with Beans

More card games were played before leftover lunch before 12:30. S had to eat and run to make his physio appointment. Kaylin and Nathan packed up and were off after 1 with Shaina running food to the cats and letting them out finally. Vacuuming and quick floor mop followed with laundry starting. The hurricane winds continued to blow. I worked on catching up the blog and listing the bread box. S was back with Cooper at 2:30 and hit big brown for a nap. I wrote a tutorial for the lavender end table. Once awake S added muriatic acid to tub then started on taxes. I also wrote an Etsy post for the bread box and one for my FB page in hopes of selling it. A lady has arranged a time Wednesday to see 2 dressers fingers crossed.

Shaina made chocolate berry oatmeal before heading to the gym before 5:30. S and I had leftover turkey dinner with a fresh fruit spinach salad then the Flames were playing at 6. I bundled up to put cats away and walk the dogs only to find the horses in the yard. I directed them into the paddock, put away/fed cats then came out to find Beibs had made his way into the yard so put him in too. Sheldon had some out to give me a hand and we saw KD was crab walking oddly. HMMM He went back to his hockey and I walked the dogs and when I returned I found her no better. I caught her and held her till B made it after 7 while S unhooked the dump trailer just in case we needed to take her to the vet. 

video of her walking

another video

B was along shortly after 7 and saw a hemotoma right away on the left shoulder. She did her exam and sent video and pics to Dr Jordan. It seems the swelling is causing pressure on the radial nerve. She and I cold hosed it for 5 minutes, set up the barn paddock after the 2 horses ate their food for quarantine, B gave her bute, I pitched hay in for her and Pepper to dine on then we came inside. Shaina had just gotten home after 8 from the gym/groceries and was eating as did B while KD dried off. After eating B went and wrapped her other leg so not as to get over exerted and checked on her before heading home after 8:30.

S and I went out for a tub in the bone chilling cold. Shaina passed as too windy but she did come out and toss more hay as per B's instructions when she left. We stayed out under half hour then inside to shower and relax in bed.

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