Saturday, April 30, 2022

Moving the girls

I awoke at 2 am and not long after S was awake too then Harley. He let her out only to find the deck door was open thru the night, yikes! Once she was into the garage we all went back to sleep till I awoke at 7. I perused trailers for sale online until S woke to make coffee at 8:30 as I fed H. We had a cup in bed chatting about the w/e plans. He decided since the dump trailer was hooked up he would dump the hay we pitched, load the skid steer and go do the neighbors yard work he wanted done. 

After another coffee and some toast he was off at 10 while I vacuumed, changed H bedding and gave her a bath as plans are for her to come along on todays road trip. Once S was back at 11 from his landscaping he unhooked dump trailer and hooked up the cargo trailer before he chowed down on some tacos. We loaded some raw food, beverages, snacks and H and were on the road to the city.

There was a bit of a rerouting to get to the new hacienda but once we landed in front of their door it was a quick unload. The townhouse is very modern and lovely but no yard. It is very New York city styled. At 2 we set off for Banff to get Shaina's belonging's with a detour to get DQ for the drive. It has been forever since I had a blizzard.

We arrived in Banff and got right to loading plants and furniture then went for a hike near the Fairmont hotel. Harley LOVED this part of the trip. After we loaded up and were making our way home S found his sunglasses missing so we went back to Jacob's to check. In the meantime I looked at my photos and saw he had them on the hike so back to that spot. He and Shaina looped backwards and found them where he remembered taking off his hat, whew.

video view

H and Shaina napped in the back seat for the journey back to cow town. We arrived at 7 to the new pad and again in short order had the items needed hauled into the house. The cargo trailer does not seem to look any less packed, hahaha as we then headed home to the ranch. The trailer guy called mid day after I had contacted another lady about hers as per Murphy's law and is going ahead with our deal. We finally had time to call him back and set up Monday as pick up day.

We arrived back at the ranch by 8, unloaded H and had leftovers for a late supper. I was on hold to cancel our Monday flights with Expedia and eventually took the phone to the hot tub. Again Murphy's law had them answer not long after I got in so back into the house I went to sort details. Of course it was not free to cancel... it left us a credit :( but at least are all sorted now. S treated the tub while I was on the phone showered and hit big brown. After my call I showered and crawled into bed with my iPad, it has been a busy day.

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