Sunday, April 29, 2018

Probe leaves the ranch

The wind howled off and on all night. I was up before 8 so got to work on blog posts. I published a frame one first and worked on others. Sleeping prince finally got up after 10, tossed a bale and off to the city with the old probe around 11. I tossed a turkey carcass in to make soup on this blustery day. Laundry was also started.

I stayed to work on the dining table adding the next layer of paint and a coat of poly. More blog writing including rewriting a Hometalk post I wrote this am that disappeared ;( S was back by 1 probe free and spent the afternoon watching hockey.

 The low was 17 overnight but today the high is 6, brrr. All day the wind blew with the occasional spitting of rain, nothing like they called for ;( The wind blew a gate closed locking the horses in one paddock so a braved the hurricane winds to open it, spray Bird's foot and give them some carrot peelings.

I added another coat of poly and once dry, S helped me haul the table in to stage. Of course it requires vacuuming and cleaning which does have a good side. Supper was my hot turkey soup, yum. The wind eased a bit around supper and another spitting of rain. I went to the garage to work on the armoire priming the underside where there was a bit of water damage.

S did take a break between overtime periods to go toss a bale. More blog posts and marketing filled my evening as I waited for Britt to land. Then I will pick her up in town along with Cooper, her 2 fav things right b? Cooper and I headed in at 10, grabbed a few items and picked up B at 10:30 and brought her home!

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