Thursday, April 26, 2018

more sunshine and painting

Silly early mornings.. I was awake at 7:30 and fed and let dogs out, got a cup of coffee making extra for miss Shaina who did not ride till 10. She was off to the city not long after getting up and having some fruit and her coffee.

I tossed a bale to the hungry ponies then got to work.

I did more repairs on the gate leg table, this is one of the repairs LOL so removed and wood filled them and the other screw holes I removed

this horse has to play in any water she finds!

The latest table I purchased was scrubbed down, sanded then painted in grey milk paint.

when your arms are not long enough and you have no helpers, use a leg

Since I had extra grey I painted the large chalkboard picture frame too.

For my Ellen break I started painting the one jewelry box pink after removing hardware on both and the side doors for easier painting.

The beauty 21 sunny day called me out at 5 to scoop poop for a bit before coming in to find an aerating company as the grass could really use it. I also put a 2nd coat on the table.

by days end the lake is almost gone, and B's evening view below

Time to work on blog posts. S got home at 8 just in time to hit the hockey game. He did eat some soup and make himself KD ;) I tossed another bale to the horses and doctored Bird's foot for B. She facetimed again which was nice to see her shining 21 year old face ;)

While I waited for Lola to come in I sanded the dining table and frame then started black waxing the frame. Finally at 11:30 I walked out in the field to meet her and bring her in ;) What a beautiful almost full moon night, no wonder she wanted to stay out.

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