Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Someone has a birthday!

Happy birthday Prince Sheldon.

Britt was off first with Kaylin soon behind her at 7. I had set the coffee machine for them but it seems the darn thing ran over, grrr. I got up at 8 and got to work on more cleaning and organizing hoping to find some projects to get painted and out of storage. First was to poly the chair seat then wax when dry but I am not loving it so may redo whole seat. Shaina was off to go hiking with Kate and Shannon at 10:30. The day is overcast and only 18 so great day to hike.

I did find a few projects ; the travel bar kit I cleaned all up as well as a glass canister and a cheese cloche. I added some white to the vase and waxed it up.

Dog beds got washed along with shop towels and a few human laundry loads. I spent a couple hours backing up and deleting photos off my phone too. What a task.. I take too many pictures on too many devices ;) The sun came out and heated up to 20 making for a nice day. I checked the rain gauge from last few shots and 2 say only 1/10th. One says 3.5 cm but not sure what happened to it ;)

Shaina and Kaylin were back home around 6 as I was cleaning the pantry. They had requested mushroom goulash for supper so I got that whipped up with a side of sweet potato all ready to eat as Britt rolled in from work.

Seeing it was so lovely out Kaylin and Shaina went to town to the driving range, Britt went to ride Bird and I ran to town to pick up 2 antique dressers. Turns out they were from our neighbor right next door in grande point. When I arrived the older fellow one over from him was out and we had a catch up chat before an hour long visit with Chris. Man the cul de sac has changed, the trees are HUGE.

I was back home as the sun was beginning to set around 9:45 ;( Britt helped me unload both dressers into the garage, thanks B! The golfers were back home around 10:30. I finished the Stranger Things season and have to say I get why the lead young girl actress got so much buzz for her acting but the whole show was too sci-fi for me!

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