Sunday, August 13, 2017

small practice

Today is polox practice day and the turnout is going to just be Britt and I and Snowy, the Aussie playing Switch with the girls at this weekend's tournament in Bowden. We had coffee to roust Britt. The temperature was quickly rising from 18 when we woke up to 20 when we headed out around 10 to get prepped for the practice. Sheldon took off to pick more fox tail by hand.

Snowy and Hannah were here around 10:30 and we got tacked up and off to warm up and practice. Snowy is very chatty and helpful with his polox knowledge. Hannah and Lola watched from the fence. We were out there till after 12 before untacking, hosing then coming in for a cold beverage and visit. It was now 29!! Sheldon joined us too. They had to jet off for the airport after 2 on their way to Vegas for the week.

The smoke had moved in making for a dull day. Shaina had been given evacuation notice from the Shambhala music festival in BC today but they had some rain overnight so it went on. Britt was off to nap as did Sheldon while I went out to work on the chairs. I distressed one up, sent to the customer and she preferred the solid paint so spent another 1/2 hour painting it again.. ;(

I sanded up a cloche base well and applied hemp oil to half.

Sheldon ventured out to use some of the lumber in the pile to make a rustic bench, here is his creation. It is big, perhaps more so for a dining table, I will market it as that.

Back in for a rest then he set off to town to fill the boat with gas and grab some groceries while I cooked up supper. Britt headed to town just as we were going to eat about 7. A few sprinkles of rain came down, just to wet a window. Kaylin arrived home from work to join us for supper. We then hit the TV room to watch Moana.

The smoke was even thicker and smellier just after 10 when we came up from the movie. I can't imagine what the BC folks nor the concert goers are smelling. Crazy, the jar feature has been seen by 100,000 people. It has added about 30 new likers to my Facebook page, hope some are buyers ;)

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