Friday, August 18, 2017

off to polocrosse

Britt was off early followed by Shaina at 8 as I was checking social media. The morning was spent loading things for the tournament like hay (that may or may not make it even after I tried to tie tighter), tubs, more saddle and more herbs after getting the request for Pepper and possibly Switch to go along as ump horses. I pitched a bale to all along with supplements before watering flower beds and the garden. It was 27 before noon but they do say possible rain tomorrow. I hope it pours here and not in Bowden. Needing more saddle pads I washed up another.. crazy the amount of tack and such to take for 4 horses and only 2 players ;)

Shaina was home before noon, Kaylin was now up making coffee. They got ready and headed off to Lethbridge to visit Michael's Mom and brother for the afternoon just before 2. It was now 29 but overcast time to shower and get drinks and food loaded. I was just getting ready to load the 4 horses at 4 when I got a text there was no pens left so I found boxes of electric posts and the wire and loaded them in. Bird needed a dose of ulcer meds and her heat boots put on then was first in. Next Switch, KD then ol Pepper. Put Lex in the house, load the beverage cooler, lock up and finally roll out now that it was just before 5 head down the lane. then I saw this... UGH.

I tried tying up with baler twine but not sure it would hold so text Shaina to move Hawk and Daisy into south paddocks till we are back when she gets home. I also noticed I needed diesel too, next stop the Co-op. I had it filled and on the road after 5 and was waiting for Britt at her for 5:45! She was done at 6 jumped in and we were off.

We made it to Bowden at 7 but then had to figure where the horses would go. After a few attempts we found a few we could open to hold the 4. I parked where we could see them and got our camp set up and horses fed.

They had hot dogs going for our supper. Britt tacked up Bird to ride in the rodeo arena, then added KD to the loops then we let them all out to romp. This was fun for them and to watch but it turns out Switch was off then again after doing so ;(

Britt's cold was felling crappy so she then was off to bed. I went in to visit with folks and helped Snowy and Hannah find a spot to park and turned in fairly early. Shaina decided to stay home tonight and drive in the morning.

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