Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lola comes home

Our guests brought cinnamon buns in a tube so I put them in to go along with the brewing coffee. They had brought some back bacon too so I heated it up and fried some eggs for a great breakfast for the crew. They were off before 10 and soon after we were loaded up and on our way to town to pick up miss Lola. We made a quick stop at Paetz's to pick up this sweet little hat Amanda had made for me for Brynleigh (Matt & Marissa's little one).

 There was a long wait to get Lola checked out but by noon we were on our way home grabbing a tea on route to the ranch. Britt got her all settled in and throughout the day we came up with new ways to plastic cover her rear leg bandages to keep from getting wet.

 this bag idea did not work

back inside and on goes the "cone"

A couple arrived to pickup the blue coffee table, for a gal in Millet but she luckily had a nephew in Strathmore who kindly picked it up!

later in the afternoon Britt takes her for a walk, she was so excited,

but the horses were not sure at all

but back at the house, the cone went back on ;( but Britt did rig up an outdoor area but it got too cold just laying there

Sheldon enjoyed a kick back day napping in various spots and catching some sports. When Britt was not on dog duty she was studying. I ran quick down to Sharon's for a tea and pick up my new necklace. Another Addpazzazz edition

Once back home, it was a yummy steak supper then Britt and I watched The Sunday Horse all snuggly in my bed while sports dude hung out in the TV room.

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