Tuesday, December 6, 2016


SNAP she was a cold day today, -20 not counting the wind chill and it stayed all day basically. The brisk morning walk with the dogs was short and too the point. I also awoke with a sore throat, what the heck! So vitamin c, tea and PJ's were my go to comforts. I even made up a batch of my chai concentrate finally. Check out the awesome HUGE Ball (great name right?)  mason jar I scored at the glass recycling, perfect to hold the concentrate in the fridge.

I installed the hanger on the frame, touched up paint on all now that it was daylight and staged up the metallic pieces.

The after lunch albeit sunny and warmed to -17 was a short one too, it just bites your face and any exposed skin.. or old dog feet ;)

By about 3 I started to feel a bit better so headed to garage to work on my kids table set. Of course I had to walk dogs and tried to remove Lola's bandages but this only led to her being concerned about them and the one I uncovered was still bleeding a bit so I wrapped fresh again.

I stained the table top a couple coats of kukui and painted the base and chairs my favorite little tea pot blue.

Then walked the dogs again and came inside to do a blog post for my sea glass I have been sharing all day on social media as well as post all the metallics for sale. At 8 I headed out for the last walk of the day, back to -20 and yes still blowing wind. 5 walks today in this weather is for the birds.. but after I dispensed meds and tucked all the critters including the cats in for the night I put a 3rd coat of stain on the table top and came in for a quick bite to eat and soak in a hot tub.

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