Monday, December 12, 2016

-7, I'll take it!

Sheldon was off again early for the great white north. I checked the dogs at 7:45 and they were sound asleep so I went back to sleep for an hour. Crazy as when I went back then they were still sleeping, guess I should have slept sounder. ;) After a good meals yesterday and a good breakfast, D had more spunk today and even headed around to his usual morning spot on the deck throwing out a few barks to coyote country before I hustled him back in.

 My headache from yesterday continues today so after feeding all pets I showered, ate a yummy sweet roll (thanks Mama K) and crawled back in to bed for a bit hoping it would subside.

We were to go to the "store" today so I hauled myself out of bed, took tylenol and got started on pricing and tagging my new pieces to go. This of course leads to photos and I also created a flipbook of the tin tiles.

D's good day continued heading out a few times to make a house loop and deck tours. He also was stoked to take out his bone into the now -7. He lasted about 10 minutes before I saw him pick up his feet then sit on his butt. I headed out to guide him inside with it but he was really miffed. Real dogs eat outside then bury it of course!

I ate my prime rib dinner early after 4 watching Ellen, thanks Mama K & Britt who made the mashed potatos I was told. I have half for tomorrow's supper!

I was tockered by 7 buy managed to hold out till 9 before getting in bed and watching a couple episodes of How to Get Away with Murder before crashing till midnight wakeup call for bathroom break ;)

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