Saturday, July 18, 2015

Shaina sky dives

They say there is always a rainbow after rain but not for the new Mercedes. I was out working on Olivia's vanity when Britt finally got up and popped her head out. "What happened to your car Mom?" WTH.. yesterday during the drive to Hanna a tandem semi passed me and a rock hurled at me making a big bang. I called Sheldon to say at nearly the same place the new minivan got a rock to the windshield I once again got cranked but the windshield looked fine once the deluge of splash wiped off. It seems it hit directly higher on what most cars would be metal but Mercedes chose glass and it was SMASHED all across!! UNBELIEVABLE, what are the chances, not even 400 kms on the new car and this happens. Thinking the extended glass warranty we purchased may come in handy I called in only to find that "sorry that piece is not covered by any insurances" He went on to tell me 2 others at the dealer ship had the same thing happen, and this is not a design flaw, hmmm. It should be under $1500 to replace was the response, dam it!
I spent most of the day working on the vanity while Sheldon unloaded the tee pee, returned Matt's trailer and graded the road. Britt road Birdy to find her lame, rubbed her in liniment and spent rest of the afternoon watching Netflix! On a lovely sunny day I am not sure why she did not ride more horses as requested.
 drawers all ready for paint

 vanity ready..
 first coat
 a chair I found to match I will do as a gift for little O
 but first it needs repairs, power tools to the rescue.. and dowels and wood glue and clamps

two coats on by days end
After a late lunch, Sheldon napped then headed out to move the hot wire pen to clean area to move round pen to then worked on a stall wall. I weeded the garden while Britt rode a couple horses finally then sorted them back into paddocks to help with the waist lines for a couple days now that it is greening up. A good sorting of the deep freeze gave me an overview of things needing to be used up before a good scrubbing and gave a good assortment for supper, steak and chicken wings with perogies, yum heh?

After supper it was so lovely out we took the dogs for a walk. The grass, oats and pasture has jumped to life and greened up amazingly so, wonders of a long soak day of rain at work! Only hitting 24 today was perfect as it did not dry or burn and sunshine provided the right amount of energy.
Oh the city girls front, today Shaina sky dived and survived.. details to follow once I hear from her ;) Kaylin was off to the Stamps game where they won 26 to 25, must have been a good game. It sure was a great day for all the adventures.

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