Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sunday is forecast to be cooler and possible rain but started sunny so our jackpot is a go. I enjoyed a coffee and candy crush before Britt arrived home from her sleepover at Kyra's at 11 and we got ready to load up and head in. A bowl of fresh fruit and coffee, ponies and we were underway before noon but lovely Canadian summer road repairs had us held up for 25 minutes at the Glenmore bridge. Seems you should always take the right lane, drive up to the front and cut in front of all the people waiting patiently in the other 2 lanes.. can you say road rage!!

Once there, we were met by Shelby who gave KD a great work out. We quickly tacked up and the afternoon of play ensued before thunder and black clouds rolled in. Britt and I headed home thru tons of rain in Calgary but nothing at the ranch but the black western clouds loomed for quite awhile.
 these photo creds go to Emma M, THANK YOU

and this one Krystalle D, thank you!
I stained up the backside of the growth ruler before walking the dogs (Britt tried but they just seem to not want to join her, except Coco of course) I threw on a 2nd coat around 11 when I finished up more PVR shows to try and get a final color to send the customer once dry.

left first coat and right with 2 (photo from next day dry) and she loves it.. this is why I do custom work for customers

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