Monday, July 13, 2015

kiddy day

Monday mid July already what the heck. I worked a bit on the blog which is a week behind but he internet which was blown up by lightening yesterday continues to be a pile of crap. Sheldon headed out to finish swather greasing just before Amanda dropped the kids off around 10:30. Asher headed out to the shop to check out the work while Ada came in to play.

As always the day was entertaining with them around. Ada enjoyed a slumber after lunch as I managed to get the blog loaded and caught up for 7 days. Asher had returned to the house to enjoy WII time with Britt
 cat wrangler Ada

Amanda stopped out after Ada woke from her nap bringing a few beverage items she picked up at Costco for me, thank you. Sheldon finished up his tasks and was soon off to town on errands. Britt continued her taxing day in PJ's watching TV. I got to work on piled up accounting and was most happy to hear the rain start around 4:30!
sunshine and rain on our place but dark and pouring in town
It did not rain as long as town but we did get 2/10ths to total an inch in last day. It even rained while the sunshone. A yummy rib supper was enjoyed before we loaded up Pepper and Bird and took for there chiro appointment (this required Britt to get dressed lol) On the way home we stopped for fuel and what might become a tradition, DQ blizzard. Shaina arrived before 10 after her shift at the golf course and is spending the night with us.

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