Monday, July 6, 2015

sad news

Monday we were up and getting the trailer packed. The girls and I dunged out the whole trailer, remade the bed and washed all rugs. Britt vacuumed it all clean and stuff was piled at the door to load for the trip to USA.

Whites and wraps were washed and rolled and saddle pads and loads of goodies. Sheldon ran to town for lawn mower parts and restocked the tape in red and white Cnd pride, horse feed and shavings ect. It was a full fledged effort to get it all checked off the lists we had.

After Shaina was off to work her shift I got a text from our vet saying Colorado had Vesticular Stomatitis cases and the border could pose a problem. The next couple hours were spent contacting local vets and the border vet and the club and after finding out that a 21 day quarantine in a VS free state could possibly be the result along with $450/horse blood work team Canada pulled out!! ;(

How devastating for all, it was like Christmas was cancelled and all the preparations were for naught! What a downer for everyone.

After supper we loaded 4 horses and took over to the horse chiro. This was yet another educational lesson for us all but mostly miss B who finds it right in her scope of future equine work. All 4 horses had lots out so were very pleased to have his services. We humans celebrated the end of our sad day with a DQ blizzard. Once we got home I trimmed Pepper's horribly long feet and put them all away as a storm rolled in giving us a wee bit more rain, ;)

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