Saturday, September 27, 2014

pie day!

Saturday, farmer Bob was rustling around at 6:30 getting ready then out to quietly enjoy coffee and the newspaper before heading out to continue the breaking up of the hay pasture by 7. I suggested next time reverse this as I too was awake but not really wanting to be. So I spent the time in the dark updating the blog sipping on a baileys coffee for inspiration!
I got inspired and painted the new small table and a calendar holder yellow and a jewelry box my new purple.

 with wax, without and below finished

fresh, painted 2 coats and below waxed

  and snapped pics of this frame I finished awhile back ready for sale
Britt got home at noon as I was making rhubarb pies, She started cutting apples for apple pies and crisp. After finishing the initial break up round, Sheldon stopped for lunch then she headed out with him to pound posts for a couple hours while I waxed and painted the morning projects.

A cute little "Spark" came to sell me girl guide cookies. She is the daughter of a great customer, thanks Ryley! Sheldon and Britt the pounder back to town and grabbed a couple things before stopping for a cold beer.Then it was back out with an hour of light or so to do some more breaking up. And I was back in the garage buffing and waxing.

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