Tuesday, September 2, 2014

LAST first day of school

Prince Ali was up early early and drove himself to the airport, I was up early for the LAST first day of school ;( Where has my girls school years gone. I snapped a couple shots before she was out the door by 8!

I worked on updating the blog. 5 days and tons of photos yet again. I also went out and snapped a couple update photos from yesterdays progress.
 round pen set up
 south fence line looking much safer
Shaina who did not roust till after lunch took a slow approach to her day off. She did a few chores before heading to town for acupuncture at 3 then is taking Lexi back to the city as Kaylin and Aaron arrive back home tonight.

The day started with a bit of sun but soon clouded over and stayed around 15. There was a brief sprinkle in the morning but nothing to even count. I was glad to fold and put away whites and roll the wraps although sad to see a season wrapping up.
A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.
Seeing it was so cool (and that the Prince is gone) I SHUT OFF the A/C ;-) but did not turn on the heat, just sweater and warm slippers to get me thru the day. I finished off the black end tables all except the hardware (choice of buyer at this point) then staged for a few photos.

A new painter friend Sally, inspired me to create some pumpkins, I had loaded the rail trims in the quad trailer and after seeing her post I had a brain wave... how about round ones since my saw person has been on strike, and what ever size I had in the trailer!
So I got out some sanding paper, paint and got busy. I also spray lacquered the old dresser to rid it of old musty smell. 
 what to do with hard work fencing left overs... bingo! will post more when finished
 and the completed frame I did, just no time for prince to cut the painted chalkboard to fill it :-(
Britt worked after school so not home till almost 9, gone for 13 whole hours! She even had homework! she got busy washing jeans and packing a healthy lunch.. great start to the new school year!

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