Wednesday, December 18, 2013

967 - super cold

Day 967 holy cold days! -22 when we woke. I made coffee and served the prince in bed as he slept in. I waxed the large mirror

and eventually Sheldon got up and out to the garage to cut my coat rack board and router the edge for me. I painted 2 coats on before we left for Calgary at 2

I also had painted the hardware and put on the entry table as we are taking it to the city as it sold to a lady
We drove thru town to get a hot beverage and tried the gingerbread latte at Tims, yuck, never again. A quick stop at my work to pick up a part a coworker brought from Brooks and we were on our way to the city. The weather and roads were frightful. We made a quick stop at a thrift store then Sheldon dropped me at Costco and he was off to his ear appointment. I did my shopping and he returned around 6
On her way home from school Britt got stuck at the gate in the drift, she walked home got a shovel and went back trying to dig herself out with no luck. She came home and shoveled the sidewalk and it was very cold, high of -17, THANKS Britt!

The drive home was terrible in the city with so many accidents but we eventually got home just after 7. Kind neighbor Matt was already at the gate digging his way to Britt's car. She walked back down bringing the keys, jumped in and the 3 of us pushed her out and off she went back home.

She had hot pizza waiting for us, another thanks Britt. Unloading the goodies was next then I went out and glazed the coat rack before Travis arrived. He visited and loaded all the bison meat before heading back to Amanda's for the night rather than heading home in this crap weather.

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