Wednesday, December 4, 2013

953 - deep freeze!

Day 953 had an early wake up bark.. at 5:32!! I held him off for about 15 minutes but it seemed imperative he went out so I left him out for 10 and then back in.. -18 so did not take long for him to come back. Today was considered another excusable absence as buses still not running but Britt was stir crazy and caught a ride in with a local neighbor friend to school. Seems the blizzard blew south but left behind a deep freeze!

Sheldon made some coffee, started the vehicle jumped in the shower and was off for a doctor appointment at 10. He did not get back until after 1:30 running errands such as renewing registration, getting blood work, grabbing some booze then time for a nap when home.

Only garage work I did was sand a family sign but waiting for confirmation on starting. I decided that 3 day's in Pj's was about to end and jumped in the shower donning actual clothes for the day. (I did shower and put clean PJ's on day 2!) I did manage to paint up some candle sticks, wet distress and polish.

 and snap a few pictures of items for sale on the page
Shaina headed into work for 4 and since was working till close stayed in town at a friends for the night. Britt holed up in the basement for a nap but did come up to join Sheldon and I for a roast supper.
Once posted the dreaded price question came up so I put them for auction which allows people to pay what they are willing to pay.

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