Tuesday, December 10, 2013

959 - cold again

Day 959 Sheldon was up early and drove himself to the airport early as usual. Britt caught a ride to school with me. It was cold and snowy with -18 with a windchill. Sheldon had a crappy day with his flight landing in Edmonton with plane issues and not leaving till close till 10 am!! He eventually got to work but by the time he called int he evening it had been a VERY long day.

I had a lucky day at work as Coreena brought teas and for lunch we were taken out as a Christmas treat.

I left work a bit early to do the Encana kids goody bag shopping before picking Britt up and heading home. Grama and papa had left sometime during the day to head home.

Back at the ranch I hauled in the entry cabinet and staged some photos and put online.

no hardware is on as buyer has choice of classic black or a pop of blue for fun
 some of the jewel boxes I have to paint and below a fabulous glass Sheldon found for me at Worldserve!
Updating the blog after a heavy picture w/e took up some time as well as photographing my newly acquired stock. Britt continued her VCR Disney movie marathon! I did however hit the sheets early and asleep around 9:30!! Only waking for Shaina's arrival at 2 am :-) and Diego's wake up at 7:45!

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