Monday, September 23, 2013

880 - Kaylins hutch day 1

Day 880, Monday.. sleep in day but I was awake at 7! hmmm well guess I'll watch a bit of Dexter :-) Britt was up and off to school as I ate breakfast and had a tea. Today I am going to start Kaylin's hutch. However not until I went down and released Julio from the pit yet again after Britt called on way to school saying he was back in, perhaps his name should be Houdini.
Sanding the surfaces a final time, wiping down and removing doors and knobs started the project. I stopped for a quick sandwich  And being the multi tasker I am I took my iPad with me and watched a few more episodes of Dexter while I worked!. Shaina left for work shift starting at 2pm. The wind started to pick up in the late afternoon, yuck! I howled well into the night.
another smokers hazard stuck to knobs even, guess will bleach
I mixed up paint and got underway with first coat of white and both coats of pink on the bead board. I finished up just after 6, totally had lost track of time. Sheldon called to chat and say he got Netflix loaded on his tablet and wanted to give it a try.
the light pink she was wanting
Britt was home from work after school at 7. I cooked supper again while watching Dexter and finished season 2 by 8.  So after cleaning up and updating the blog etc I had to start season 3! At 10 my first auction ended and even though it did not sell for what I hoped it went good. I will try another soon. Shaina is having a sleepover at Gails after her shift ends tonight.

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