Saturday, September 14, 2013

871 - Kole and Carey's wedding

Day 871 had an early start 655, I kept hearing horses at the fate where they like to escape then thundering hooves so eventually I got up and check, sure enough only 2 were in the winter pasture and the other 7 were out deep in the east field. I rousted Shaina up and she got the quad out while I opened the gate wide and ran interference as she brought them back. The upside was the gorgeous sunrise we saw at 7 am on a Saturday! She and I crawled back into bed and I slept till 9.
Shaina got ready and was off to work after 10, she did make me scrambled eggs, thanks Dude. Sheldon got up and made coffee and delivered me a hot cup in bed with special creamer. Thanks Hun. We then got ready to head out to Dinosaur Provincial park for the wedding of Sheldon's cousin Kole. Britt kindly curled my hair, THANKS Britty! We map quested and it said 2 hours so we left at 11:30 however it was wrong. We arrived at 1 pm with an hour to spare.

The day was unbelievable, not a cloud, gentle breeze, no bugs and a staggering view. The medium I saw earlier this year said one of the weddings we would attend would be in the splendor of mountains or large hills, yes this was that come true.

a sweet moment where Carey presented Karter with a watch, engraved saying she will always make time for him!
After the wedding we visited in the sunshine before a group of us headed to Patricia bar where you actually cook your own steak in the bar. It was good fun. We all headed towards Duchess but we ventured to Brooks to check into our hotel. This was the deal Sheldon booked online with USA prices and a no refund or cancellation! After the 3 hotel we did find the correct one and it turned out to be very nice and indeed we did have 2 king beds, continental breakfast and all promised.
 everyone had fun, some more than others!
 Roger doing his Ukranian dance, this guy has still got it!
and Dwayne shaking his money maker :-)
Now it was back to Duchess to meet the gang in another hotel room for drinks before heading to the dance at 7. The dance was complete entertainment and we represented the Kuhn side well being on of the last few guests to head home. There was taxi service provided back to Brooks which we took at 2:15 am. Candace and Dwayne came along and made use of the other king bed. What a sun and fun filled day, CONGRATS Kole and Carey!!

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