Sunday, September 22, 2013

879 - all my girls for brunch! and Aaron :-)

Day 879 ... up early, with a  text from Dale.. so why not watch a couple more Dexter :-) It was then time to get moving so out into the sunshine I went to plant 90 tulip bulbs in the front flower beds.

 some fall flowers blooming.. lavatera
 4 oclocks
 Lexi loves coming to the ranch
Kaylin was first up around noon so we went out to check out her new hutch. Aaron was up soon after then the other 2 and a left over brunch was had. Britt ran them all to town just after 1:30 as all vehicles were left last night. Shaina works at 3.

I got busy in the shop vacuuming and cleaning the hutch and mini armoire and more wood filling. Britt returned home soon after and retreated to her TV room. I hosed them down good and as they were drying I took a break and watched another episode. Then back out and sand and more cleaning. The poor hutch came from a smoking home and like in the past it takes tons of cleaning and hosing and still reeks.

I also posted my first online auction hoping to get more exposure.
Back out to wash again and another episode before cooking supper for Britt and I. A lady stopped out to buy a hair extension of Kaylins. After supper a nice hot bath.. while watching another episode then another in bed. I also watched the pilot for Breaking Bad :-) Shaina was home from work late.

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