Saturday, September 7, 2013

864 - rain arrives, YAHOOO

Day 864 had early wake up at 5:59 with a load hammer sound, turns out it was large rain drops but after closing windows and a pillow on my head I went back to sleep until 9. Seems there was about .25/10ths overnight which is great. We need a ton more. The day continued to be dreary drizzly and overcast but nothing a coffee and baileys and a computer cant cheer up.

I sent pictures in for our polocrosse calendar, another procrastinating job as I seem to take a few and searching thru them is tedious! It was then time to go put on dresser handles and spray paint the round ones to go on it. I also worked on a few frames preparing them for painting.

Shaina got up at lunch and vacuumed out her car while I cooked us some Chinese food for lunch. Britt joined us to eat. A family  stopped at 2 just as the rain started to come down hard and purchased the bright blue kids table.
Shaina got ready for her shift at 3 and Britt and I loaded up and drove to town in the rain around 2:15. many errands were accomplished like gassing up for tomorrows trip, restocking the bailey's (think there was hole in the bottle!) picking up painting supplies, checking out new phones, pursuing Walmarts chaos during the renovation finding sweet chair material and picking up some new purchases. However the console was 1/4" to tall to fir my shelving unit in so must get Monday. Then it was back home as the rain subsided at 4 ish.
Britt helped me unload the sideboard/console then she went to get ready for Brooke's surprise birthday party. I spray painted the remaining knobs and put on learning yet another lesson when I tried to wax over the spray paint.. dont! so off they came and were painted again.
Britt headed out after 6 and I ate an old sandwich I brought home from work Thursday and a beer.. lol life is hard when it is just 1! Rain gauge said 2/10th in that downpour so almost 1/2" today, nice!! I continued with staging photos and waxing the lazy susan as well as posting online as well. Busy but Quiet night.
Kaylin arrived late to sleep over, we are leaving in the morning to go to Oyen at attend Ada's baptism. Britt has volunteered to drive since we stayed home tonight so she could attend the party. Poor Shaina has to stay home and work tomorrow.

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