Thursday, August 1, 2024

Renn day and rodeo camping begins

I woke up at 6:30, and it was already 13 degrees. Unable to fall back asleep, I started my day when S made coffee at 7:30. We enjoyed a few relaxing cups in bed. He had his favorite oatmeal, marking the last day of his fifties. Harley even ate this morning while I harvested a hill of potatoes for the Boysis family. After quickly watering my front planters and setting the soaker on the raised garden bed, I packed some potato salad for lunch and left before 9. S drove off just before me, with the ranger loaded up, ready for another day of volunteering at the rodeo and a midday hockey break. It's a good thing, considering it's forecasted to feel like 36 degrees in Strathmore today.

I took the newly paved Glenmore route and arrived earlier than expected at 9:52. Kaylin had already left for work, and Nate had a call at 10, so he hurried off. Renn is adjusting to a new nap schedule; she woke up at 6 today, so by 11, she was ready for her nap. She settles down so well, without a fuss. I made an iced coffee, caught up with the blog, and looked into flights to Ottawa.

Kaylin arrived home at noon for her lunch break. She had picked out a crib for our home, so we moved it from Nathan's car to mine before she came in for lunch. Nathan, who had left for a haircut after 11, was now back. He woke Renn from her hour-and-a-half nap for some cuddles before heading to work. While Renn enjoyed her yogurt and berries, Kaylin and I had a nice chat, and then she returned to work.

artistic eater and chatter

Renn and I took a walk in the 27-degree heat, stopping at the playground, then the grocery store where I discovered light Clamato - quite a surprise. Afterwards, we visited the splash park for a while. She has no fear, placing her face over the spray holes and playing with the lights.

yes the sun area was warm smart girl

the funny thing about this photo was I thought I was taking pictures of Renn on a big blue chair but the camera was switched to reverse view and not noticed till I looked back at the pictures LOL

Once back home, it remained pleasantly cool with the fans on and windows shut. She played until sleepiness overtook her around 4 PM. I laid her down for another nap without a fuss and left before 4:30. After a brief stop to return an item to Home Depot, I hit the road eastward as the temperature soared to a scorching 32 degrees.

Back at the ranch, I fed Harley, applied Switch's gel, and worked on the blog from yesterday. S returned from his day working at the rodeo grounds and had just finished their meeting after 6 PM. I prepped another GF meal, complete with more corn on the cob. This time, it was a simple burger with roasted beans that S had all of, along with spinach. After finishing the blog, I took a shower. Then we packed up more items, along with Harley, and headed to town to begin the rodeo campout after 8 PM.

The evening was uneventful as I tidied up, set things in order, and spent some time out back with the neighbors before calling it an early night at 10:30. S was already fast asleep while I caught up on today's blog.

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