Monday, August 12, 2024

Etsy sale - finally

The wind was still blowing when we awoke. We had coffee in bed, then S took H outside and I showered. Afterward, we began packing up once I had fed H. We made a final loop and departed from the campsite just after 11. We emptied the sewer and chose an alternate route home via Highway 36. We made a stop in Bassano for fuel and grabbed a sub for lunch.

We arrived at the ranch just after 1:30. Dave and Cooper were already there, having just tossed the horses hay. He chatted with us while we unpacked. I watered the planters and gardens, and S raided the peas. Dave then headed off to the city, leaving Cooper behind for the day. We carried on with yard tasks and unpacking various trailer items along with the fridge contents. I also put in a load of trailer laundry, taking advantage of the sunny, 26-degree heat.

S headed to the big brown for a nap and I caught up on marketing. A lady requested a discount for the teal jewelry box on Etsy, which I've packed and readied for mailing. I have not had an Etsy sale since January!! As dinner time approached, the skies darkened and the wind intensified as I dug an onion for the potato pack. There was only a light smattering of rain while S was barbecuing supper, but it quickly passed.

After supper, the trailer was further cleaned out, and I reheated the lifting lettering on the trailer's front before S parked it back in its spot. He then left for Matt's to finalize the chicken coop plans and to have a birthday beer for Matt's birthday. I vacuumed the trailer, then tended to more gardening. Dave and B arrived busy with their usual horse tasks and also took Beibs out for a cart ride. They took him out yesterday and plan to take him out again another night in hopes to get him back in shape for some riding soon.

lifting letter

wipe surface with alcohol then warm with hair dryer

and success but se the other side is lifting so will need to do it in the future

my favourite time of day

look at this cute couple

S returned from Matt's at 9 while I was enjoying some fresh peas and adjusting the soaker hose in the ground garden. Our evening entertainment was watching Arthur the King - a feel good wholesome movie with a yogurt bowl. We also started American Playboy first episode before lights out.

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