Saturday, August 19, 2023

Renn day! and sleep over

Saturday we had coffee in bed. Dogs were fed and meals made for tonight. S is in charge of dogs. After our yogurt bowl I set off for the city. I took a couple of the last rolls of sausage along too. Little miss Renn has grown even more.

Shaina stopped for a bit, put stuff in my car to take home and picked up a few things. Kaylin and Nathan cleaned the house between feedings. I got lots of snuggle time in while they did so.

I chopped their single branch fiddle leaf down and hope to propagate the top part. I also posted the dumbcane for free.

I cooked up the sausage and a pot of pasta for supper. After a top up, I put Renn in her carrier and we headed out in the 17 degree sun for a walk at 7. Kaylin and Nathan headed to Shaina’s or a house party. 

After a mile I went back and got Beans. We walked another mile then I dropped him back. 
Renn and I walked to McDonalds to get a smoothie.

Back at the condo I found a bright colorful TV show called Cocomelon. She liked it.

She then watched it in the bouncer for a bit wanting to stretch out while I bounced with one foot and wrote the blog.

2 cutie videos

K and N were back at 9 as Renn and I were snuggled on the couch. Bath time was next to start her bedtime routine. She LOVES the water. Cozy fresh jammies and a snack. Bouncy ball time. Both K and I had our turns with Nathan doing the final magical round. She was asleep by midnight.

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