Sunday, August 20, 2023

Little photo shoot

Renn and I snuck out of bed after her 8 am breakfast. Burps, diaper changed and few photos. She makes so many faces... all adorable of course. Then we went down to living room snuggles till K came down. I had made a fancy coffee and ate my cherries as we snuggled and started a new series called At Home with the Furys. They live quite the life. I loaded up the plants and such and headed east after 11.

Renni loves chubby bunny

A stop at Tim's for iced coffee and bagel. S text his friend Robbie stopping for a visit. I stopped at the mall but I find it a struggle to browse. I do not need anything and it seems crazy to see so much crap for sale. I tried Superstore thinking of summer end deals and food but it was packed with people too. Change of plan.. time to go home. I can buy for Renn but not myself.

Robbie had came and went and S was vacuuming dog hair from bedroom rug. I had left a plant at the gate for pick up. I boxed up dog food, put bones on to simmer and got the fiddle leaf in water. The rest was hauled in - Shaina's stuff to her room. I fed Bird who came right away and ate, yeah! Some marketing was up next. 

The Boysis family was off to a little bday party. Kaylin sent these of little miss in her party dress XOXO

The dogs and I walked the horses out to the hay field. Then checked Timba who was still in the small paddock. He still has the swelling but not happy being away from the herd now. After sending Sharon a video I went back and released him with the herd. I had given dogs bison treats. Harley required a quick bath.

S and I were both hungry so headed to town for supper after feeding dogs. Boston Pizza was supper venue. We then stopped at Amanda's for a visit before heading home. It was a lovely night for a soak in the tub. I then shared the new Fury series with S catching him up and watching some new ones.

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