Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Still no Stella :(

I woke many times in the night and tried to will Stella home but no luck once I awoke at my usual after 7. I am so sad for yet another loss of a sweet kitty and mad at the brazen coyotes and universe for taking the well cared for cats in the world.

Look at these 2 <3

I turned on a big pot of coffee for S , Mom and I to get our day going. I threw in laundry and did some marketing. S took a walk to the barn and checked sheds with not trace. After visiting Mom was off to see Dad for the day before 10. I headed to the garage to put a 2nd coat of gel stain on the Paetz table. In the garden I pulled allot of the zucchini runners leaving just the growing parts and of course I found a couple huge ones hidden and more to harvest.

Our friends from Hanna who recently moved to Cochrane arrived at noon to drop off a coffee table to be custom painted. They came in for a nice visit too before heading home before 1:30. Lunch was borscht thanks to Ma K, yum! S was off to the couch to peruse his laptop again then falling asleep while I hauled the antique rocking chair out to power sand. It started hazy but was much nicer now and 21 out. 

I picked dandelions and fallen apples for the horses then picked some apples to make a couple crisps. The table base was hauled in to stage after moving our dining set and washing the floor but will not move top till later or tomorrow as I have no muscle nor do I want to ding fresh stain. Laundry continued and H's raw food was delivered. Time to chop the apples and make some crisps then chop zucchini and make a casserole and get them in the oven. S took a drive in the ranger to the winery dugout and around the fence line at my request to look for any signs. I watered all my plants which is a few. S was back with no signs found to join me for supper.

He was back in big brown with his apple crisp and ice cream watching ball while I did some blogging then outside to check out apples for a few requests. S came out and we dumped the garden stuff in the bucket with his weeds from the road and he ran it to the pit and put the skid steer away and back to the game. I saw a coyote and heard them carrying on quite a bit. B was out to feed horses and found Bird had cut her leg. I helped her by holding while she doctored then held Roo for a shot. I put the boys in the barn for the night and B put 3 horses into small pen to keep Bird walking less.

these island apples are HUGE

This little tree is loaded and so tasty

This is the apples I used earlier today to make the crisp, they are very big too but not as tart and tasty raw

I made a to go dish of dessert for the newly engaged couple

Mom arrived around 8 with teas for us all, THANKS! B and she had apple crisp with their tea as we visited before B was off for home at 9 and we headed to bed. I quickly added to blog then crawled in beside S watching forged in fire to watch a new show Buy My House.

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