Thursday, September 22, 2022

Dining table sanding day

Early but bit warmer start to the day at 7 as I created a new loop of letting Stella out, then opening horse gate then to barn to let boys out and back to the house. The sun shone brightly down promising a nice day ahead. Coffee was on once back with a bowl of cereal.

I worked on computer task while S had his online healing journey class which I listened along too. I also waxed the rocking chair spots repainted and staged a few more photos. 

After the class was over S moved to the couch to peruse his phone and I to check out the chairs I hauled over yesterday for the Paetz house. Sadly they were wobbly and when taken apart I found screws snapped off and the factory finish very dinged up. They would require ALLOT of work, more than the family deal I offered to paint them up to match so posted them for free. It did not take long for someone to call them.

I began work on the dresser removing all hardware and prepping to scrub. S came out and took the one pull to shop to cut off the lock then helped me carry the dining table I purchased last week from the cargo trailer to the back deck then it was lunch time.

After lunch I wrote up a Hometalk post for the purple tea chest as S watched the news in big brown. This led to a nap for him and I headed out to start working on the dining table. I applied stripper all over and left to get to work while I went in to scrub the dresser. All pieces were deep scrubbed, dried with a towel and left to dry, the drawers upside down with weight to straighten the bottoms.

Back out to remove the stripper, hose and scrub then start sanding the table top. After his nap S loaded up the plastic recyclables, shop trash and the items we had purged from shop. I loaded the dining chairs and he dropped them at the gate for pick up on his way to town before 3. I had a phone appointment then it was back to sanding.

S was home at 4:30 bringing a hot tea and a favorite pumpkin spice muffin for my dessert but he ate his right away. I stopped for a short break to drink the tea and visit but the ball game was on so back to my table. S cooked supper making steak, a potato pack and a zucchini pack. He also delivered a cold beer to me while scraping table edges then I came in for supper. What a treat to have a meal made for you and it was super yummy to boot, THANK YOU!

He tidied up and even whipped the vacuum around at my request as the golden hour shows all dog hair :) This day just got better with 3 less jobs! I finished the edge scraping, unassembled the table and hauled it inside not trusting our weather or wild animals to leave out. Tools were all cleaned up and it was time for a soak in the hot tub before 7:30. S's incisions finally looked ok to soak in water so he joined me enjoying his first hot tub in over 4 weeks.

B was out just as he was getting in to feed horses. The sunset was amazing!! S hit the shower then back to big brown for baseball. I rinsed off then was touching up an edge on the dining table top when B brought Stella in and headed home. I came in and wrote a Home talk post for the pencil stool. I had posted sets of dining chairs for sale and had allot of interest on one set, turns out an antique dealer wanted them and basically says they are Anglo Indian 19th C and worth much more then $25 but won't say how much. S was in bed watching sprots and on his laptop. I crawled in and watched some Designing Miami.

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