Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Stella goes missing

Rain started at midnight for a bit, Mr J was crying at the door and Britt had just text to put cats in as she was hearing coyotes in town so I put him in the garage with H for company. Still not sleeping by 1:30 I took a sleeping aid, S had taken one at midnight. I woke in 4 hours as per usual but managed to drift back to sleep for another hour then repeated for another hour till B text Dave was dropping trailer and Cooper off. So now I was basically awake so did the usual morning.

S made coffee then after one in bed he headed out to move the skid steer for Dave to park back in the spot (Dave also dropped Cooper and his food of for the day) then over to Matt’s before 9:30 and I to the garage to put a coat of black paint on the table base and edges. Inside I had a shower then prepped a charcuterie tray and cooked bacon for us to munch on when Kaylin and Nathan arrived later. 

Matt dropped S off at 10:30 just in time for the newly engaged couple 's arrival at 11. Coffee and bailey's was their beverage of choice along with a game of crib as we chatted up all the exciting details.

They were off around 12:30 after Nathan and I loaded the desk he has to build for a disabled lady in the city. I put a second coat of paint on the table base with S in big brown watching the ball game that started this am. I was off to town at 1:30 tossing the trash in the truck hooked to the trailer to my massage. I arrived right on time having to spend a few more minutes parking the long rig.

After my massage I was off to a customers place who had an old fashioned dining table with press back chairs for sale. We loaded it up and after a short visit I headed for home dumping the trash on the way. I was back at home by 4 to find S on the deck chatting with Craig on the phone. I jumped into the merc and went to the neighbors for dog meat and bonus flour this time. Back at the house I put meat in the freezer and fed the dogs fresh pork roast. Putting the flour in my tub had a spill that led to vacuuming the main floor. S was on to baseball game #2 of the day and reading his book.

I roasted veggies with leftover pizza for the prince heated in the oven as well for our supper. S finished his book while he waited for Matt to pick him up just before 7 to go pickup skid steer. I did a bit of computer work then out to distress the pedestal/table edges. S was back in short order changed into comfy wear and in bed with the blue jays! Once my distressing was done I came in to order dog food and work on the blog.

Amanda was out at 8 to see her table in person to decide if another coat of stain followed closely behind by Mom and Britt. We decided another coat of stain and had a visit. Britt fed then went to put cats in and found Stella missing. I had thought earlier in the day to go check for her but always got sidetracked on my busy day. This makes me very sad and mad at the dam coyotes. B headed home taking Cooper with Amanda heading home soon after too. Mom and I headed to bed then with me watching Home Makeovers while S watched his TV shows. 

Miss Stella as a baby who joined the ranch almost exactly 2 years ago to the date of her going missing 

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