Monday, February 24, 2020

Snow to fog to a fractured tooth

It was lightly snowing when we awoke.  It had snowed overnight so there was a good accumulation that covered most of the hay and sidewalks. It continued to lightly snow all morning.

this was from yesterday morning when these nuts thought skating was fun

I took off the bread box clamps and did some sanding on the cutting board while S shovelled the sidewalk after he plugged in and started the skid steer to roll hay.

I went out to give pills and be his gate man while he rolled a partial bale to the big field. He then packed up his backpack for todays flight. We had some lunch quick before we were off to town. I caught Roo on way out to take to Moore's for her dental appointment.

S picked up the merc from the repair shop and made a loop thru Tims. I started down the highway pulling over along the way to swap his back pack for a tea. He was then off to the airport for his short work week. The snow that was falling at our place let up just outside Strathmore and sunny not long after.

I arrived at Moore’s just a we bit after our 2 pm appointment. Roo was sedated a few times to get her wolf teeth and caps pulled and a dental smoothing. While her sedation came out she also was treated to a spa day with full brushing and tail combing while Dr Jordan pulled her mane. She also go her vaccine so she will be ready for her time at the trainers in March. We had her loaded and I was on the road home before 4.

sedation kicking in

rinse and spit

2 wolf teeth and 2 caps removed

spa treatment

Back home I unloaded her back to the herd then quickly caught up on a few marketing things before eating leftover creamed chicken before heading to my workout at 6:15. It was plus 1 when I got back to the ranch around 5 but as driving to boot camp I hit low lying fog and car read -13!! At least the sun is still out at 6.

After boot camp I headed home and made a smoothie, Shaina arrived about 8 to eat her share of creamed chicken then I made her a smoothie too. She is now on a strict regime for 8 weeks partaking in a fitness challenge so weighs and tracks everything.

She was off to bath after our catch up while she ate. I did some marketing and went in to have a shower at 10. I grabbed a handful of pretzel sticks and dammed if I did not fracture the back portion of a molar off!! WTH. I watched a Safe episode after leaving a message at my dentist.

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