Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Dad turns 78

Wednesday already.. sheesh. Today is Dad's birthday Happy birthday Dad! XOXOXO Hope you have a fabulous day. We had a few coffees in your honor. Then I got busy marketing and S doing his crossword of the day.

I had yet another phone call meeting with Hometalk, this time the blogger division and was pleased to learn a few things including I will remain in my only passive income paying program that they are no longer offering and had a ambassador off for another stencil company after our chat that may be a payer as well.

I had found a friend who was moving and selling a 1/4  of a cord of wood that S is interested in buying. We headed to town at 2 with the horse trailer with a quick stop to let Cooper out to pee and me being dropped at Amanda's for a haircut then I watched the kids while she took Ada for some vaccines. S headed to load the wood and was back just after Amanda and Ada at 4. We had a quick visit then started for home with a stop at grocery stop for a few things and nasal prescription for S.

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It was a really lovely day after starting at -18 and rising to -3.!!

Home in time for the news as I prepped a most delicious supper. S was off to the hockey room once we cleaned up and I to work on marketing and computer chores. For my bedtime viewing I started a new Netflix series called The Stranger.

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