Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Littlest A day

After my morning caps, I got laundry going then a second jewelry box was started with a coat of a color I have yet to try. It came in a wee sample pot and after humming between red and white I chose it. I am not sure I am a fan of the nude color but will see later on.

Aislyn arrived after 10 for our Wednesday play date. We played until I rocked her to sleep just before noon. I then waxed the navy jewelry box and second coated the damask one.

Amanda was picking me up new succulents so snapped a pic of ones I have

The morning was cold at -13 and overcast but the sun finally popped out after 1 when Aislyn woke ready to play some more. Amanda and Archer arrived after 2 bringing me the new succulents and a couple groceries I needed, thank you! They stayed for a visit heading home before 3 as I went out to give horses their pills.

Brr it was brisk at -10 now. back inside I stenciled the damask jewelry box, sanded and added some dark wax. Time to stage a few photos too then edit them.

After a yummy salad supper I made a few last ditch posts to get more bids on the suitcase. Not sure if it is FB that is not showing to many or just a lack of bidders but it has stalled out after the first day. I then worked on writing a tutorial for the white carved jewelry box , sent emails to sponsors and posted on sites. I also wrote a sale post for my Etsy store for the damask jewelry box.

To end the day I started a new Netflix series B suggested called Locke & Key. It was good for a fantasy adventure. I shut out the lights after watching 3 episodes.

look what my sweet sister whipped me up XOXOXO

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