Thursday, November 21, 2019

There is snow in Vegas, who knew?

I got up early with Deb to visit and have a coffee or two while S slept in again. He then joined us around 9. Chuck came home from work not long after changed, we had a cold brew then loaded up to go meet Stephanie for lunch at la Salsa on the strip for brunch at 11.

It was a good visit then she was off to school and we toured the Miracle Mile Shops mall then headed back to the house.

 suckered in to try magic creme

The weather was rainy off and on all day so next plan was change into warm pants then jump in the truck and head up Mount Charleston leaving the house after 2. It was a neat drive up with a climb to 7300 feet hitting snow part way up. Seems like we never left home. We enjoyed a fancy coffee drink to warm us then a cool drink.

backseat passengers

 As we made our way back down we stopped at another lodge for a drink then back home.

Can you see what Deb is writing? Look below

A left over supper was had with some yummy homemade mint chocolate Rice Krispies then it was time to jump into the convertible and head back out with first stop Ethel M Chocolate Factory to see their Christmas light display in the cactus gardens. It was really pretty and the chocolate sample tasty.

back seat photographers with beverages

Then onto the strip with the top down to see the lights at night.

seems we both took a few shots of the Eiffel Tower LOL

Back to the house we had a visit before heading off to bed after another day of adventures and laughs.

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