Monday, November 25, 2019

S flies north for a 2 day work week

A blustery day today but still above zero even through the night but this is about to end they say. I was up at 9 to peruse Instagram after waking at 7 then falling back asleep. Both of us woke with a sore throat ;( I then set about working on the vacation blog posts. Lola was barking and I looked to see a coyote walking across the field near house. Calling the Prince he jumped out of bed, grabbed his rifle and in his underwear on the deck managed to sniper it off in one shot! Then he made coffee. As he made it I jumped into my coveralls with my housecoat and went to check on Daisy giving her hay and cleaning up the poop and filling her water.

such a sad looking girl missing her herd

S donned his jacket after a few coffees and went to retrieve the coyote and hung in the shed as well as letting the horses out in the pasture. I arranged custom drop off directions and posted my first Black Friday sale item on all the sites, then tidied the garage for paint class Wednesday and started to put the stools together.

We had lunch just before the 2 custom pieces were dropped off before 1. It was a quick drop and they were off. S packed up and was off to the airport for his short 2 day work week as I headed out to let Daisy out in the pasture with the others for a bit after applying ointment to her bare skin. She was happy to be out there and it wasn't 10 minutes before she rolled and scratched her belly. I gave her another 10 and she was rolling again this time rubbing off more hair so back out I went to catch her and bring her back to her stall.

Back inside I finished putting together both stools and set up their paint areas as well as got other items for the class out then snapped a few photos of the new custom pieces.

darn lighting.. they are both the same color actually

For the poster bed I went with a tinted satin finish. Almost 2 hours later it was sealed up and looking lovely. Seeing it was 5:30 I came in and cooked up half of the last zucchini with chicken fillets for my healthy supper.

I worked on more blog posts while watching a few Netlix episodes. Britt dropped off Daisy's meds at 7:30 having worked late. She popped them in the door and was off for home as Dave had supper ready and she had been with Bandit and until he is confirmed non infectious she could not be near Daisy. I waited for an hour then headed out to mix the meds in food for her. The poor girl had bit her chest breaking skin ;(

I got back inside to have Britt ask if her gums were yellow which indicates liver failure so back out I went. Trying to get photos was fun with only 2 hands and her not enjoying that. They seemed mostly pink with a slight yellow tinge but may be from all the lip wrestling.

Just after getting back to garage she said to check a few more areas so back out I went yet again. We are both hoping the meds kick in soon for the poor girl. Inside I got in my jammies, crawled into bed and watched a Shameless episode and more 100% Hotter episodes.

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