Saturday, November 2, 2019

B house tour

Company was rady for coffee at 9, S had it all ready to go so simple as pressing a button. He also cooked up some eggs and toast for the guests too, well done prince. We were loaded up and off to Britt's after 10 for her house tour and more coffee. It was a very nice day out to see the new hacienda and continue our visit. They loaded up and were off to Medicine Hat about 11:30.

B and I got busy hemming her main floor curtains while S finished watching the Oilers hockey game. We got them done and on our way home at 1:30 swinging thru Tim's for a tea, grabbing more coffee "creamer" & beer and filling with fuel.

little long ;)

we used iron on but think will sew before washing in the future

Back at the ranch S jumped in the skid steer to push poop before heading to get more loads. I caught up on some marketing and posting the latest coffee table for sale on sites. Britt and Cooper arrived around 3:30, she pretty much went to sleep in big brown right away. However once S was back from his poop play around 4:45 I rousted her and we headed out on the quad to the horses. She rode Daisy and led Bird back and we trimmed them. Yes my back required some unique trimming but thank goodness our horses are really quiet for sure. And Britt is a big help for the polishing parts.

S had swapped her tires too while we trimmed and then was back to his poop loads. She and I finished trimming around 6:30. She fed bird and cleaned up the barn while I gave pep his pill and headed to the house for a cold drink. B had Cooper loaded up and off for home around 7 to watch all Dave's big $$ super races tonight. S was back and watching hockey fitting in left overs for supper after one game had an 11 shoot out finale then back to the TV room for even more games.

After catching up on a few computer tasks I hit the tub to soak before crawling into bed. It started to rain and by the time S came up from TV room for bed around 10 it was coming down really good and was still going when I turned off Netflix around midnight. I started the new seasons of Queer Eye in Japan and Wentworth.

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