Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hunting day is a bust

S was up around 6 and off to meet Steve to hunt today. I woke at my usual heading out soon after to give Daisy her meds. It seems she is on a hunger strike and only had a bit of water. She was not interested in the beet pulp/med mix so had to go back and make an oral solution then find the Cushing's pill in the feed and poke it in her mouth along with both oral meds. I topped up her water and back to the house. I decided to pass on heading to the city to the Etsy market I won tickets and prizes for. My throat is scratchier and increased cough, best stay home. I worked on the vacation posts for the entire morning.

the outer layer of skin is now what she is peeling off

hoar frost is so pretty

 -17, brrr this am but it is warming to -11 when I went to check on her before noon. Still no food or water going in; ( I wiped up the new projects ready to start painting. Once paint color was confirmed the first coat started to go on. However after an hour I had to stop to go give Daisy her afternoon meds. It was so sunny an -9 out so I took her out for water and a visit with the rest. I even tied her to the hitching post while I gave Pep his and the rest an apple each. She did drink a little water at the trough but not much. She had ate a bit of hay too but outside she was foraging for grass like crazy so it seems she is just miffed with the stall life.

I put her back in and got back to finishing the first coat of paint then distressing all the edges. Pictures to the customer had them loving it but deciding to paint the cabinet interior. I finished up around 5:30 and headed inside to cook up an mushroom pizza for my supper. I am not a huge pizza fan but I do like these little Dr Oetker pizzas and ate 3/4! That and only 2 pieces of rye bread and some pineapple for lunch might make it even better.

A shower was in order then catching up on some marketing. While I was painting the cash register ring went off indicating an Etsy sale; it was the turquoise salt and pepper set. So now to package them all up and get the label printed. S text he had one miss this am and no luck spotting any other deer since then. He and Steve were eating Chinese food and would be home later.

I was just heading out for evening meds at 8:30 when he rolled in. I mixed molasses in Daisy's water in hopes of tempting her to drink and it seemed to work. Back inside I finally got our first day at Grand Canyon finished, whew that one seemed like lots of details. I also added some videos to a few of the last days I forgot so scroll back and check them out!

S jumped in the tub to soak while I finally had a relax in bed, this day seemed long. We watched an Explained on Netflix of cryptocurrency before shutting lights off early at 10:30!

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