Friday, March 2, 2018


The day started with snow and it snowed ALL DAY! Perfect day to get busy on the projects whether painting or marketing. I put two coats of poly sealer on the cabinet after a few touch ups and as each coat dried worked on reposting more Etsy listings.

view from garage door

It seems my 5yr post on my FB page was deleted because I used the bad word giveaway.. I found it and reworded it and hope it will be seen now. If you see it please comment on it! FB rates you higher the more comments and shares you get on a post.

The gal coming to see the stenciled coffee table last w/e had arranged for tonight on her way to the Hat. And true to her word she arrived at 5:30 making her way down the "bobsled track" we have. She was a young girl and immediately smitten, she and her friend loaded it up and off they went. I love to see young people see the value in well built pieces.

I wrote up a blog post for the latest plaster pieces then had to get it on sites. I took at late supper break at 7:30 to have another bowl of goulash.. for the 4 night in a row ;) I posted the bohemian stool in IG and FB and in minutes a good customer messaged wanting it and 2 of hers painted to match! And bringing a dresser to paint too.. yeah!

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