Saturday, March 31, 2018

Celebration supper

B was home by 9 bringing a hot chai tea, now that is the way to start a sunny Saturday, THANKS B! XOXOX She got cozy with Cooper snuggled on the couch and I headed out to finish up the custom dresser.

I then moved on to the octagonal coffee table coating it in one coat of soft taupe. B did come out to help me move dresser carefully off the paint station and move coffee table to it ;) Then she ran to town to tan.

The coyotes were bothering again during the day like yesterday and a stupid gopher was bustling around in the snow again.

B and I headed to town after 4:30 making a quick stop to grab fresh tulips and Easter candy to take to the Paetz's celebration supper. Not only Easter but Amanda's joining the Catholic church. Mom, Gordon and Rita had just arrived. Kaylin and Shaina arrived around 6. Visiting and the most delicious pork roast supper was enjoyed followed up with apple pie. Thanks for having us for supper Paetz family, it was scrumptious! After supper Britt and Shaina napped while  the kids entertained Kaylin with their tricks.

The girls stayed (older 2 for only an hour then back to the city) with the little kids while we all went to church at 9. It was a long service ending around 11, whew. Back at the house Britt and I headed home taking Mom who is spending the night at our house too. It was -20 on our drive home at 11:30 and not an April Fool's joke! BRRRR

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