Sunday, February 11, 2018

Visiting Sunday

Darren S and Sheldon have been on opposite shifts since they both left Encana so getting together is almost never. But today seeing they are home from their vacation we headed over at 10 for coffee. It was nice to catch up for a couple hours.

Britt and the dogs arrived soon after we got back home and just in time to join us for toasted bacon, tomato, avocado sandwiches. She trudged thru the deep snow to visit the horses before curling up for a nap in the sunshine.

sharing these pics again cause they make me laugh and it is what they do when together

S was back out playing in the snow with his new blade touching up the drifted in edges after last nights snow as well as plowing a path to roll out a bale. More bison buyers arrived around 4 with their 3 kids staying for a visit. They even bundled up and walked down to the horses giving them carrots they brought along. They were off around 6 with Britt and the dogs soon after. It was a nice Sunday of visiting.

the 3 little kids spent the entire time petting and snuggling Lexi

S worked on taxes while watching hockey and I worked on accounting while finishing the first season of Queer Eye. Yes Johnathon is sometimes hard to take as overly gay but the home and personal makeovers are fabulous.

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