Monday, February 12, 2018

Banana Bread

Britt called with a 7 am wakeup call with a tire concern, luckily, she was able to make it to work on the low tire and we went back to sleep. Once up I did some quick online stuff which was great because at 10:30 our internet service went down. Of course, I did some trouble shooting which was a waste of time due to it being their issue and apparently all over Alberta. This was not good as I just had an inquiry for the coffee table, UGH. I used this time to clean house vacuuming well as dog hair is abundant. S finished up his tax spreadsheet and got ready to head north.
-25 upon wakeup, brrrr but it did slowly warm up. B sent pics of Popscicle as an update. She is doing ok but now that her hair is laying down you can see just how emaciated the poor little thing is. They are giving her a 20% chance of survival. ;(

above she looks fairly bright eyed but the angle shown below shows just how malnourished she is

Around 2 he was off dropping our non-working router off at the courier on his way to the airport. He is also meeting another bison buyer there before he jets north. I made some fresh banana bread, oh the smell is heavenly. Finally the internet was back up after 3 allowing me to update and reply to another coffee table inquiry too. Fingers crossed.

More time with Microsoft people then the internet and back to an hour with Microsoft. Honestly this whole computer setup takes HOURS of life time you never get back. On the up side it was still light out at 6 pm ;) but when done with the MS tech and still no real solution it was dark and 7 pm ;(

AND there was an Etsy sale.. not a huge one but a sale. So boxed it up, measure and print the shipping labels and update the spread sheet which I forgot when the pink jewelry box sold. Britt and the dogs arrived before 9 to spend the night. I spent another hour before bed with yet another MS technician who has now escalated the case to a higher level.

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