Saturday, February 3, 2018

long winded rant over loss of internet service

It started out like any other day with a bit of snow and a -19, brrr. I got coffee brewing and started working on the coral jewelry box blog post when the internet went down around 10:30. I finished it but was unable to save it. Hoping the glitch was due to the snowy weather, I made a call to our internet provider who said the service was working. We did testing with many trips up and down the stairs before they deemed it to maybe be a router issue.

Linksys support had me running up and down the stairs too and again after an hour of trouble shooting threw it back on the internet provider as their issue. Another long conversation and tried suggestions and no luck. By now I was getting pretty frustrated, it has been over 2 hours and in the meantime my computer cable bumped restarting the computer losing my whole blog post ;( Why did I not copy and paste it into word???

Lets try router support again... Linksys support had a more experienced tech helping and this time to confirm whose equipment was at fault, I hauled the whole desktop computer down to the furnace room. No need for personal trainer Shaina today. Guess what? directly hooked into the computer proved it was a router issue. And it is only a few months old! BUT we needed an hour more testing to determine it faulty (or I could pay $9.99 to have him remote in to do so... no thanks) and more time on hold to get a defective code set up. Once back, he said it was all a go and I just had to fill out the replacement form and pay the shipping of the new one and in 7-10 days a new router would arrive. WHAT!!! He did give me a customer support number to call which after trying to set up on line I called them and after sharing my now 4 hours of trouble shooting displeasure for a faulty product, I was given free shipping of the new router as well as pre paid shipping of the defective one back to them. They also called back to say they were upgrading the router as my current version was not in stock.. yeah because it is crap ;/

He had also suggested returning to Walmart where we bought it but a call to them had them say "nope only within 14 days of purchase" to which I replied well it seems like there is another reason I buy at Costco who warranties everything they sell for a year at least! Yes I was a bit grumpy after this wasted day.

It is now 4 o clock and I am sitting on the cement floor of the furnace room blogging my darn day. And re writing my coral jewelry box blog post 5 hours after the first time.

 I started the truck and after it warmed headed over through the blustery snow to feed Bones for Stouts who are on vacation in Cuba.

This brisk bought of frosty air was the start to my day running around. Once back I managed to figure out how to turn the desktop I hauled to the furnace room into a hot spot. My fear of having to spend my days hunched over the keyboard on the furnace room floor and not having Netflix to keep me entertained was solved!! (cue the angel music)

I did sneak a bowl of coleslaw in around 1 to try and raise my blood sugar to lower frustration but the bacon, tomato, lettuce and avocado on toasted rye for supper was so much better. A new favorite! I scarfed it down to have a video chat with a FB coach who had some good tips to. The day is definitely taking a better turn.

I made a new sale collage and got it posted as well as a few other marketing tasks.The hot spot worked awesome, Netflix worked perfect in bed catching up on more series, yeah!

Britt sent this picture of Cooper enjoying Heartland last night before she headed back to work for OT for an emergency surgery. :)

Unfortunately Chuck had a bad day too but turned it around too, get well wishes to him for a speedy recovery. XOXO

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