Sunday, February 4, 2018

new jewelry box underway

I started today with a new healthy resolve; I skipped the coffee/creamer and whipped up a smoothie. I also brewed up a big batch of chai concentrate to store in the fridge. Of course I had to have a cup while it was hot, yum. Laundry was underway too. It was -21 on waking, brrrr. It did warm up during the day but even winter loving Lola spent most of the day inside.

I finished prepping the big jewelry box and sent a text to my 4 consultants to help me decide between dark grey or warm white. I pondered a fun blue but this piece keeps saying classic and vintage but which one? The votes were even, I should poll 5 right?

Seeing it was now -12 I decided to make my trip to town to mail the jewelry box, grab some more paint goodies and a hot chai. I paid for the fellow behind me and hope it started a pay it forward movement. There is a good mantra to do something every day for a stranger.. like this, or a compliment, shovel a sidewalk, let them in line etc.

I grabbed the mail on the way to feed Bones then back home to paint the jewelry box. Dark grey it is..

After catching up on some computer work.. in the furnace room I enjoyed another fabulous BLTA sandwich for supper. The jewelry box was distressed using the new scrubby I bought today.

I then tried the caulking in the new molds. I was pretty nervous but have researched it pretty well so gave it a go. They turned out not bad for and OCD kind of girl, now to leave dry for a couple days. Yep looks like It will be quite a while to get a few of each design ;)

Kaylin sent me more photos from her Toronto trip now that she is home. It looks like she had a fun and fancy convention and a great visit after with Jessica! Thanks for sharing

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