Saturday, November 11, 2017

Sunny Saturday Remembrance Day

Sunny Saturday with a chinook coming back in, gonna be a good day. Nice day to remember those who served to provide our freedom, Happy Remembrance Day!

I had to finish up marketing before starting on a project for me. Until I sell more items I can now work on to do house things, like all the pictures I finally hung. This project is my bracelet jewel box. The faux red wood look has to go. I added embossing paste to give a raised design. While it dried I worked on the dresser blog post and getting a few more ads created on Kijiji. This marketing portion of the business seriously takes 50% of my time if not more but worth it to be a brand ambassador.

I started another project; my vacation sand display shelf. I was painting it when Britt and Lexi arrived at 2. The weather hit plus 1 after lunch so it wasn't long and Britt was out to play with Roo for a bit. Lexi was excited to be back at the ranch and blasted around  like a crazy girl before settling in her new bed (she brought for her sleepover).

I worked on the cubby shelf getting it all painted on all sides then started touch ups.

I made supper for B and I then she was back down to catch up on her PVR shows. I took the shelf to the garage to sand and do 2nd coats. Now back to the computer, I had 3 interested parties on items so spent time emailing back an forth. One even wanted another large dresser painted to match. Let's see if it follows thru (he did want to trade for a hot tub or massage chair or beauty school credit!) The other is arranging a vehicle to come Monday.

The mala gal messaged it is done. Isn't it pretty?? Thanks Mom & Dad. I had added a bracelet but had second thoughts about adding to it so spent time back and forth on a couple more.

 After playing hard for a spurt this was Lex's usual spot

Did I mentions I am half way thru season 8 of Grey's? ;)

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