Thursday, November 9, 2017

Busy little bee

Another early wake up.. 2 am actually and it turns out the crackers I had in the kitchen may have left crumbs I found when waking ;) The fog was rolling in at 2 am and was still here when I woke. My day was spent with LOTS of small things that made for a very productive day.

To start I white waxed the cerused coffee table.. love it.

without the liming wax on the left and with on right

Next I moved my car ahead (it is cold outside) and thanks to my super dollys I got the dresser to my freshly swept area in front of the garage door and strategically finagled the dresser off the dolly and into place. Who needs a gym I always say ;) Now to haul out a pile of stuff and try and stage it. Here is my final results.

Then it was reversed; the staging items put away, the dresser back on the dolly a sheet put over it to store in the garage and tucked carefully away. Now to post a few pictures on IG and FB but before I came in to do that I scrubbed up this wood wine case.

More photos were hung, pictures swapped out, ideas bounced around and laid out, dressers cleaned off and rearranged,

stickers removed off a toilet paper stand after 6 years ;), put another coat of white wax on the coffee table,

my custom made mala beads all came in so had to pick and choose them along with a few additional items.

of course I had to add this bracelet to the order

my mala in the making, thanks Mom and Dad for the late birthday gift ;)

The wind howled all day and stayed overcast and cool. It made it perfect to hunker down and keep making progress inside the house. 6 years this month since we moved in, crazy how fast it flew. Lola even came in early, before supper. I spent the next many hours doing online work such as blogging, updating my inventory spreadsheet, market planning and writing the last two free Etsy posts, while I was doing so I was alerted to another sale!! the 140 yr old chair. Now to try and figure out how to mail and measure up for a shipping quote.

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