Friday, November 17, 2017

Elmer gets his tag

Sort of a ground's hog day with overcast light snow. Marketing and telephone help for Facebook with Mom started my day before I got on with paint projects. Actually prior to the call I had a custom order come in and a chat as to what to do it in, she will drop off next week. I sorted thru some new pepper and salt sets, then started sanding the large wood cutting board, both sides.

I have an idea about doing it up as a tray so checked out some handles I have

The custom pieces got wiped well, both have veneer so safer to wipe with rag and water to avoid lifting the veneer but the drawers got the deep scrub. After buffing the table dry I sprayed shellac on the bare wood areas.

I scrubbed up some more projects, a cutlery chest and mens valet. They got painted navy while I watched Ellen.

The lighting gets hard once the sun starts to set so hauled all back to the garage to distress and do touch ups.

On to the next collection, candle sets. I watched a YouTube video for  a neat finish so will throw my own twist on it. I started with a cream color on one then added texture powder to the cream for the second. I made too much so  cleaned up another one I recently bought and still some left so did a tin too.

Sheldon text he got us some sausage meat. He went for Chinese food before getting home around 8:30. I on the other hand had a tuna sandwich, same as my lunch. I was watching Grey's and working on a new graphic.

He finished up his skinning process around 10 as I was finishing up the blog, another day done and gone.

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