Friday, September 1, 2017

smoky haze lifting - Sept 1 already

Kaylin was the first out the door today closing mine at 5:45 to make coffee before she headed off. Britt was after leaving a bit earlier to hit Starbucks to get the pumpkin spice latte finally available today. Shaina who was sleeping with me had her alarm go off at 8:15 but she chose to go crawl into her own bed for another 20+minutes ;) I thought I heard noises on the deck but knew it was just her and I and Lexi in the bed and Lola in the garage but when I heard it again this is what I saw out my bedroom window.

I hustled out in my nightie and herded them back into the paddocks then made coffee. Princess S grabbed one on her way out the door. I did some marketing before getting busy in the garage. By the time I came in for a late lunch I had 6 projects nearly complete.

1- a maple cabinet door was painted blue then had crackle medium layered on, once dry a cream color went on and the crackle began

2- the boring spice rack I did yesterday called for some old world charm, I used the same blue and mixed in fresco powder and stippled on then when dry painted another cream color and sand back when all dry

3- the new dark wood shelf I bought in Airdrie was painted one of the creams in two coats and distressed back.. dark wax may come yet

4- while on a roll with the creams open and almost gone I grabbed an oak lazy susan. It was taken apart and painted cream

5- with a wet cream brush and still paint, I washed up a light wood salt and pepper set and gave them a coat too

6- and finally I had washed up a sweet oval tin the other night so it too got a coat of cream to start its makeover!

Shaina was home before 3 and was off to get showered and ready to head to the city and meet Kaylin to look at a rental place and go out for the evening. I had an email my parcel was delivered to the gate so the dogs and I walked down but there was not only 1 but 2!

Shaina was leaving as I got back before 4. I watered the flower beds, pots and gardens as it was again another hot day hitting 28. I was having a frosty refreshment when I noticed a couple horses in the yard so I moved them back into the paddock again.

check out my roses, above is a mini rose Kaylin gave me for mother's day I planted outside and it has buds and flowers and below is one of the hardy roses just blooming, they love this heat

Trying to wax my items in the garage proved a bit stifling as it once again has heated up in there so I moved inside to do while watching the news. The S&P, tin, long shelf and lazy susan base all were completed. Britt rolled in dust flying after 6 quickly changing and getting ready for Garth Brooks concert and was out the door before 7.

I was eating a late supper when I noticed what looked like a horse shadow running across the grass, yep sure enough Britt had left the gate open on her rush to the concert. Time for some hand painting on the lazy susan top once I got the 4 back in the paddock.

Back in the garage I tidied up and chose some handles for the tray and put little feet on it. I am not sure I am loving it and decided against the words hand painted on it as would be too busy. I was having peaches and cream when Kaylin got home after 10. Shaina was home around 11 but ran to town at 11:30 to pick up Britt and all were safely home by midnight!

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