Monday, September 18, 2017

hutch sold :)

Sunny Sunday after a night of waking every 2 hours. It did not help I started Grey's Anatomy and did not shut down till 1 am with Lex wanting out at 2 and 4 but it was nice to wakeup to sunshine. After marketing I headed out to work on the dining table; more dry brushing on top and the base got painted light grey.

The hutch inquiry has paid off with the folks driving over to see after 1. This required a quick kitchen clean up and change of clothes. Britt took Lexi and headed to town  before 1 for last minute supplies for her trip and a car wash and fill up. I went out to tidy the front moving the hose so not to trip, scoop dog poop (Kaylin), uncover my zucchinis and move bones and what a beautiful day at 19 with a minimal wind!! B was back after the couple arrived around 1:30, it was a sale so we attempted to load the top but it would not fit through the narrowed hatch but the bottom of course did so they took it home and will return with a different vehicle this week.

Britt helped me move the hutch top back and the table top over so I could flip the base and do the underside before we headed over to work with Roo at 3:30. We had a good day with instant success loading her in a horse trailer as well as more ground work.

We called it a day at 5 and set off back home. B was then off to town to have a bon voyage supper with her friends.

The other 2 were not going to be home for supper so I cooked up a stir fry for myself. Then time to get back to the dining table; Distressing the edges and black wax.

Back inside I had to catch up on paint spreadsheet then a nice soak in a tub and some more Grey's anatomy. Shaina and Kaylin arrived home about 11:30 followed closely by Britt. Kaylin was asleep in no time but Shaina joined me as I watched another Grey's.

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