Thursday, September 28, 2017

another horse clinic and beauty day

Awoke to Britt texting with debit card cash withdrawal issues so I got on the phone with the bank. Seems they cant really help with out her calling them and seeing she in on a train to Germany that might not happen. Time for coffee and a paint project. The long dresser I thought I was going to go grey milk paint but after online research I saw a photo and was inspired to go navy, so navy it is.

I was painting when Kaylin came out around 10:30 to say she was off to the city for a massage before her work shift, have a good day! I finished up the first coat on all and stopped for bite to eat after 12. Shaina was up and getting ready to head to the city for her training

I gave the dresser a power sand and was wiping as the rustic bench custom order gal arrived. She is a great customer having taken my paint class and bought quite a few things, thanks Georgina. We got her stuff loaded up and on her way.

Since I was now outside in the 24 degree sunshine I got my tack ready to take tonight and did more horse trailer arranging, bringing some stuff in including washing KD's fly sheet and putting stuff in barn, then barn stuff in house ;)

Candace had called and while chatting I looked out to see horses around the fire pit, dang. While still chatting I kept them away and once hung up moved them to the paddock catching Switch for tonight. This led to trimming her feet with my new tools.

Once complete I put her in a paddock and changed out of my sweaty dirty clothes, grabbed a water and power bar for my quick snack and recaught her yet again. Darren and Sharon pulled in a little after 5, she loaded up quick and we were off to our working equitation obstacle clinic. What a gorgeous evening, no bugs, warm and only 3 in the clinic so pretty hands on. It did get dark as were were finishing but we all got to give the course a run after our practice on the obstacles. Switch did well when she wasn't being a floozy over Timba ;)

Loaded by 8:15 and on the road homedropping me just after 9:30. I let her out with the herd and put tack away in the barn, jumped in the shower and chowed down a bowl of chili with a cold beer.  I went out a couple times to get Lola in but no luck but I did see 2 shooting stars withing 30 seconds while out there! Eventually she gave in and led me tot he garage. I had just shut out the kitchen lights and got computers up and running after a power out while gone when Kaylin arrived home at 11. She and I visited over her bowl of chili then she hit the shower before crawling into bed with me. Gonna miss this cute roomies when they move out in a couple weeks. <3

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