Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Harvest full moon

Sheldon was off for a load of water before 10, it takes about 45 minutes for each load, then set it up to run on the north side of the house this time. I worked in the garage organizing, purging and sweeping. Prince put together another smaller bench for me as I sanded and filled some major gouges on yesterday's creation after scrubbing it earlier. I watered the garden and brought in fresh beets for supper.

Before our late lunch I finally decided to do the dining table top in ebony stain so it got its first coat. S had his usual "grampa nap" after lunch as I got back to filling the newest bench gouges and sanding. Once up he did cut a board for a new bench design, unfortunately the saw dust landed on my table ;(

He then put another small bench together, I think he actually is enjoying creating this rustic benches.

It is another HOT day hitting 31, after a cold beer break S ran for another load of water. Shaina arrived home with my bowling balls I found on Kijiji, an alley was changing out balls and he gave me 6! Thanks to him and Shaina. I was pretty stoked and set some out to try for weight, yep they should not blow away. Lexi loved chasing one around the garage floor too.

I scrubbed up the 2nd bench after sanding.

Shaina was off to town at 6 to help Lynda with boot camp, next week she will be a paid teacher! I finished my vacuuming I started this am when I moved the old computer back to my desk. I moved my recently painted pieces down stairs and got the MCM nightstand at the door. Today I had the actual dresser get a deposit to hold it and a gal wanting the nightstand coming from Edmonton on Friday! I staged a few pics of the metallic table while cleaning.

B was home before 7 to join us for a harvest supper; roasted beets from my garden and sauteed tops, hutterite corn, corn salad (yes corn overload), quinoa & homemade sausage. She was then off to try and get to bed early needing some sleep. Shaina got hers when back after 8. Ok that is when I remembered the beets in the oven but I had shut it off so they were warm for Shaina ;). Sheldon made a run for water but after hooking up and waiting , Marissa never turned it on. I went out and filled the 2nd benches gouges and set out Kaylin and my crystals as tonight if the full harvest moon. The full moon is supposed to rejuvenate all the crystals energy. Shaina was changed and off to the city after 9 to meet Kaylin and look at a house at 10 and another in the morning so will be staying in the city again at Brad's condo.

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